
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Today's speciality

hi friends,
Today is November i am telling you that what is its specialty.
November 23 is the 327th day of the year (328th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 38 days remaining until the end of the year.
Love quote of the day
"I love you smile at me, I love the way your hands reach out and hold me near....I believe this is heaven to no one else but me."
~ Sarah McLachlan
1)      Today is the great sathya sai jayanthi

                                      Sathya Sai Baba Jayanthi will be celebrated from Today

Nov 18 ,2011 11:15 AM
Puttaparthi, in Andhra Pradesh is getting ready to celebrate the Lord Shri Sathya Sai Baba’s Jayanthi from today till 23 November. The celebrations are the first after Baba attained Samadhi on 24 April this year. Though the place is being decorated with festive look, it lacks pompous, because it of his absence.
But the only solace is that when Baba was there, he always used to say that I always dwell in your hearts, look for me within and in every living form. With this inspiration the Baba’s devotees are making the arrangements grand. Generally the event marked with the presence of many big wigs of the country from all walks of the life. But this time only two VVIPs figure on the list, His Excellency the Governor of Tamil Nadu K. Rosaiah and Bangalore Indian Institute of Sciences Director, Balaram. But the devotees from far flung places across the globe are going to reach Puttaparthi to get the Lord’s blessings say sources.
The Shri Sathya Sai Central trust which runs the Baba’s empire announced that the Baba Jayanthi is to be celebrated from November 18-23. The various programs begin with the Rathothsavam on November 18. On November 19 would be the International Women’s Day, November 20 would be Cultural Program by international Sri Sathya Sai Organizations, November 21 would be Drama on Convocation Eve by students of Sri  Sathya  Sai  Institute  of Higher Learning and November 22 Convocation  of  Sri  Sathya  Sai  Institute  of  Higher Learning. The program shall conclude on November 23 with Sri Sathya Sai Jayanthi. In addition there would be cultural and spiritual enlightenment sessions.
Thought for the day, from the teachings of the Lord are: Riches and wealth are short-lived; office and authority are temporary; life-breath is a flickering flame in the wind. Youth is a three-day fair and pleasures and fortunes are bundles of sorrow. Knowing this, if you devote this limited term of life to the service of the Lord, then you are indeed blessed. Seek refuge at the Lord’s feet early on. Everything is untrue, impermanent and akin to castles in the air. Contemplate on this truth, approach God and glorify Him; that alone confers permanent joy. Inside the room called body, in the safe called the heart, the precious gem of wisdom (jnaana) exists. Four wily thieves - lust, anger, greed and envy (kaama, krodha, lobha and asuuya) are lying in wait to rob it. Awaken to this danger before it is too late. Reinforce yourself with the support of the Universal Guardian, the Lord, and keep the gem intact. That will make you rich in love (prema), and peace
2)      1960 - Tiros 2, a weather satellite is launched
The Television Infrared Observation Satellite Program (TIROS)
The TIROS Program (Television Infrared Observation Satellite) was NASA's first experimental step to determine if satellites could be useful in the study of the Earth. At that time, the effectiveness of satellite observations was still unproven. Since satellites were a new technology, the TIROS Program also tested various design issues for spacecraft: instruments, data and operational parameters. The goal was to improve satellite applications for Earth-bound decisions, such as "should we evacuate the coast because of the hurricane?".

The TIROS Program's first priority was the development of a meteorological satellite information system. Weather forecasting was deemed the most promising application of space-based observations.

TIROS proved extremely successful, providing the first accurate weather forecasts based on data gathered from space. TIROS began continuous coverage of the Earth's weather in 1962, and was used by meteorologists worldwide. The program's success with many instrument types and orbital configurations lead to the development of more sophisticated meteorological observation satellites.
Objectives: To test the experimental television techniques and infrared equipment designed to develop a worldwide meteorological satellite information system. To evaluate a new attitude control system for spacecraft orientation which utilizes the Earth's magnetic field.

Description: The spacecraft was 42 inches in diameter, 19 inches high and weighed 280 pounds. The craft was made of aluminum alloy and stainless steel which was then covered by 9260 solar cells. The solar cells served to charge the nicad batteries. Two television cameras were housed in the craft, one low-resolution and one high-resolution. A magnetic tape recorder for each camera was supplied for storing photographs while the satellite was out of range of the ground station network. In addition, an infrared horizon sensor for attitude control, a direction indicator for picture orientation, two infrared radiation experiments, and a magnetic orientation control experiment were included.

The spacecraft was 42 inches in diameter, 19 inches high and weighed 280 pounds. The craft was made of aluminum alloy and stainless steel which was then covered by 9260 solar cells. The solar cells served to charge the nicad batteries. Two television cameras were housed in the craft, one low-resolution and one high-resolution. A magnetic tape recorder for each camera was supplied for storing photographs while the satellite was out of range of the ground station network. In addition, an infrared horizon sensor for attitude control, a direction indicator for picture orientation, two infrared radiation experiments, and a magnetic orientation control experiment were included.

The antennas consisted of four rods from the base plate to serve as transmitters and one vertical rod from the center of the top plate to serve as a receiver. The video systems relayed thousands of pictures containing cloud-cover views of the Earth. Early photographs provided information concerning the structure of large-scale cloud regimes. In addition, the experiment to partially control the orientation of the satellite spin axis was successful, as was the experiment with infrared sensors.

Participants: NASA, US ARMY Signal Research and Development Lab, RCA, US Weather Bureau, US Naval Photographic Interpretation Center.
TIROS-2 Stats:
  • Launch Date:    November, 23, 1960
  • Operational Period:    376 days
  • Launch Vehicle:    Three-stage Delta
  • Launch Site:    Cape Canaveral, FL
  • Type:    Weather Satellite
3)      1964 - Vatican abolished Latin as official language of Roman Catholic liturgy
he Second Vatican Council (also known as Vatican II) addressed relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the modern world. It was the twenty-first Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church and the second to be held at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. It opened under Pope John XXIII on 11 October 1962 and closed under Pope Paul VI on 8 December 1965. Of those who took part in the council's opening session, four have become pontiffs to date: Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini, who on succeeding Pope John XXIII took the name of Paul VI; Bishop Albino Luciani, the future Pope John Paul I; Bishop Karol Wojtyła, who became Pope John Paul II; and Father Joseph Ratzinger, present as a theological consultant, who became Pope Benedict XVI.[2][3]
Throughout the 1950s, theological and biblical studies of the Catholic Church had begun to sway away from the neo-scholasticism and biblical literalism that the reaction to Catholic modernism had enforced since the First Vatican Council. This shift could be seen in theologians such as Karl Rahner, S.J., Michael Herbert, and John Courtney Murray, SJ who looked to integrate modern human experience with church principles based on Jesus Christ, as well as others such as Yves Congar, Joseph Ratzinger and Henri de Lubac who looked to an accurate understanding of scripture and the early Church Fathers as a source of renewal (or ressourcement).
n the time between the third period, the proposed schemata were further revised on the basis of comments from the council fathers. A number of topics were reduced to statements of fundamental propositions that could gain approval during the third period, with postconciliar commissions handling implementation of these measures. Eight religious and seven lay women observers were invited to the sessions of the third period, along with additional male lay observers.
During this period, which began on 14 September 1964, the Council Fathers worked through a large volume of proposals. Schemata on ecumenism (Unitatis Redintegratio), the official view on Protestant and Eastern Orthodox "separated brethren", the Eastern Rite churches (Orientalium Ecclesiarum), and the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church (Lumen Gentium) were approved and promulgated by the Pope.
A votum or statement concerning the sacrament of marriage was submitted for the guidance of the commission revising the Code of Canon Law regarding a wide variety of juridical, ceremonial, and pastoral issues. The bishops submitted this schema with a request for speedy approval, but the Pope did not act during the council. Pope Paul also instructed the bishops to defer the topic of contraception, which had arisen in part because of the advent of effective oral contraceptives, to a commission of clerical and lay experts that he had appointed.
Schemata on the life and ministry of priests and the missionary activity of the Church were rejected and sent back to commissions for complete rewriting. Work continued on the remaining schemata, in particular those on the Church in the modern world and religious freedom. There was controversy over revisions of the decree on religious freedom and the failure to vote on it during the third period, but Pope Paul promised that this schema would be the first to be reviewed in the next period.
Pope Paul closed the third period on November 21 by announcing a change in the Eucharistic fast and formally reaffirming Mary as "Mother of the Church"
                                    One of the first issues considered by the council, and the matter that had the most immediate effect on the lives of individual Catholics, was the revision of the liturgy. The central idea was that there ought to be greater lay participation in the liturgy. In the mid-1960s, permissions were granted to celebrate most of the Mass in vernacular languages, including the Canon from 1967 onwards
Neither the Second Vatican Council nor the subsequent revision of the Roman Missal abolished Latin as the liturgical language of the Roman Rite: the official text of the Roman Missal, on which translations into vernacular languages are to be based, continues to be in Latin, and Latin can still be used in the celebration.


4)      1965 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site

                               NEVADA TEST SITE

Established in 1950, The Nevada Test Site (NTS) is a remote site that is buffered for public access by vast, federally-owned land masses that serve as a military gunnery range and a protected wildlife refuge . A unique national resource, the NTS is an outdoor laboratory and national experimental center occupying approximately 1,375 square miles (3,500 square kilometers or 864,000 acres), make this one of the largest secured areas in the United States. The Nevada Test Site (NTS) is located in Nye County in southern Nevada; the southernmost point of the NTS is about 65 miles (105 kilometers) northwest of Las Vegas. The site varies from 28-35 miles (45-56 kilometers) in width (east-west) and from 40-55 miles (64-88 kilometers) in length (north - south). The Nevada Test Site is bordered on three sides by 4,120 square miles (10,700 square kilometers) of land comprising the Nellis Air Force Range, another federally owned, restricted area.
5)      1976 - USSR performs nuclear test atEastern                     Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
6)      1985 - Retired CIA analyst Larry Wu-tai Chin, arrested of spying for China
Before he started working for the U.S. government, investigators believe CIA Analyst Larry Wu-Tai Chin was a trained Chinese Intelligence Agent in the early 1940s. Chin was born in Peking in 1922 and eventually became a naturalized U.S. citizen. Investigators think he was planted as a spy at the start of his more than 40 years of U.S. government service. Chin worked for the U.S. Army Liaison Office in China in 1943 and later joined the CIA in 1952. While working with the Army Liaison Office from 1943-44, Chin met a "Dr. Wang" who "indoctrinated Chin on the aims of the Chinese Communist Party" and urged Chin to "work for the Communist Chinese." The first evidence Chin was working for the Chinese came in 1952, when he received a payment from the Chinese for $2,000 for information about the location of Chinese prisoners of war in Korea and the type of intelligence information the Americans and Koreans were seeking from POWs (the same time he joined the CIA).
While at the CIA, Chin had access to nearly all U.S. intelligence analysis regarding Asia. He worked primarily as an analyst and translator for the CIA's Foreign Broadcast Information Service, an arm of the CIA that monitors, analyzes and translates foreign broadcasts.
Chin held high level "code word" clearances and is believed to have given the Chinese much of the information he had access to over the years. It is believed Chin received more than $1 million from the Chinese in return for providing them with information. The information Chin provided, for each surreptitious shipment, was so voluminous that it would take Peking analysts two months to translate the information for each shipment. Chin was given the addresses of Chinese Intelligence Agents in Canton and Hong Kong to be used for contact. Chin would send a post card to a Hong Kong address to alert his contacts of a planned meeting. For his spying efforts, Chin was even honored by Chinese intelligence officials, who decorated him with the title of "deputy bureau chief" at a 1982 banquet in Peking.
Chin officially retired from the CIA in 1981 as a GS-13 Intelligence Analyst, and received the CIA's career intelligence medal for superior service. He continued to work as a consultant for the CIA until his arrest on November 22, 1985. Prior to his arrest, the FBI initiated an investigation into Chin in December 1983. During an interview with the FBI (after his arrest), Chin confessed to providing China with information over the years (he confessed to providing China with information since 1952). He further claimed to have only received $140,000 during his over 30 year spying career, but the FBI estimates that number to be extremely low compared to their estimates (approximately $1 million). Chin would take information from the CIA and photograph it, and on at least four occasions delivered the film to a Chinese contact in Toronto, Canada (at a shopping mall, between 1976-82). Chin was paid $50,000 in Feb 1982, for the information he gave the Chinese. He also pointed out to the Chinese another employee of the CIA Foreign Broadcast Information Services who he felt could be a potential recruitment during a trip to Hong Kong in 1983. An FBI agent testified that Chin had at least three Hong Kong bank accounts, including one that held $98,000 in 1983 (another one tagged "gold bullion"). Chin lived in Alexandria with his wife, and his mistress lived in Chicago. Approximately a year before his arrest, he discussed the possibility of leaving for China with his mistress. Chin was held without bail due to the supposition he was a "serious risk of flight."
A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, in a statement from Peking, shortly after Chin's arrest, denied that the Chinese government had any involvement regarding Chin and espionage. "We have nothing to do with this man, and the accusations made by the U.S. side are groundless," the spokesman, Li Zhaoxing, told reporters.
Chin was indicted on 17 counts of espionage-related and income tax violations. At his trial, which commenced on February 4, 1986, Chin admitted to providing the Chinese with information over a period of 11 years, but for the purpose of reconciliation between China and the U.S. On February 8, 1986, Chin was convicted by a federal jury on all counts. Sentencing would have occurred on March 17, 1982, however on Februrary 12, 1986, Chin committed suicide in his cell by placing a plastic bag over his head.
7)      1990 - Test Cricket debut of Saeed Anwar (Pak v WI),      scores 0 & 0
Full name Saeed Anwar
Born September 6, 1968, Karachi, Sind
Current age 43 years 77 days
Major teams Pakistan, Agriculture Development Bank of Pakistan, Karachi, Lahore, United Bank Limited
Batting style Left-hand bat
Bowling style Slow left-arm orthodox
8)      1992 - 10,000,000 cellular telephone sold
Today in History- November 23, 1992 – Cellular telephone industry sells 10 million cell phones and sets customer mark on way to projected subscriber base of 20 to 27 million by 1997. Cell phone sales passed 1 billion in 2006.
The technology of modern cell phones started with the creation of hexagonal cells for mobile phones by D.H. Ring from Bell Labs in 1947, later on another engineer from Bell Labs conceived of cell towers that would transmit and receive signals in three directions instead of normal bi directional antennas. By 1967, mobile phone technology was available; however, the user had to stay within one cell area. In 1970, Amos Edward Joel developed the call handoff system to facilitate continuity of a phone call from one area to another without dropping the phone call. In 1971, AT&T submitted a request to the FCC for cellular service. It took more than 10 years for an approval and in 1982; the FCC allocated the frequencies of 824-894 MHZ Band to Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS). From 1982 to 1990, AMPS was an analog service, Digital AMPS came online as of 1990.
The first mobile phones were installed in vehicles due to the large battery requirements. The MTA (Mobile Telephone System A) developed by Eriksson was available in Sweden in 1950′s. Unfortunately, it weighed over 80 pounds, later versions however weighed around 20 pounds, still making it ineffective for mobility. In 1983, Motorola unveiled the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, the first truly portable cellular phone. It weighed 28 ounces and was known as the Brick for its shape.
From 1983 to the end of the 1980′s cell phones grew in popularity, although most were made for permanent installation in the car. There were also briefcase models that held large batteries necessary to make calls. Cellular phones from the early 1990′s are considered second generation (2G) and they were able to work on mobile phone systems such as GSM, IS-136 (TDMA) and IS-95 (CDMA). Digital mobile phone networks were in use in the United States in 1990 and in Europe by 1991. 2G mobile phones use digital circuit switched transmissions, which enable quicker network signaling, fewer dropped calls and increased quality.
The Third Generation (3G) cellular phone is the latest technology. While 3G came only a few years after 2G, mainly due to many innovations in technology and services, standards for 3G are usually different depending on the network. Smartphones utilize the advanced capabilities of 2G and 3G beyond typical mobile phones, often with PC-like functionality. Mobile phones are quickly becoming the dominant computer and telephony platform in most of the developing world. Cell phones are pervasive in North America, Europe and Asia and sales statistics are often shown in predictions for future growth, as if 1 billion is not enough.
9)      2010 - The Bombardment of Yeonpyeong occurs on Yeonpyeong Island, South Korea. The North Korean artillery attack kills 2 civilians and 2 South Korean marines.
10)      Ngada Festival
Ngada Festival is an annual celebration of the Rwengma Nagas observed towards the end of November or December. It is believed that during this festival, the spirits of the dead visit their graves and the homes of their relatives.
Ngada Festival is one of the popular festivals of Nagaland. The festival is mainly celebrated by Rengma tribe of the state.

The eight day long festival is celebrated towards the end of November or in the beginning of December every year with lots of joy and merry making.

The festival is mainly the post harvest festival of Nagaland and marks the end of the agriculture season.

The Rengmas holds a strong belief that spirits of the departed souls of their family members visit their graves and houses during this festival of Ngada.

The eight day long festival is celebrated with high festive spirits and togetherness. All eight days of the festival have its own significance and peculiar rituals. People remain indulge in different rituals and celebrations all the eight days.

  • The first day of the Ngada festival is spent in preparation of rice-beer by every household.

  • Second day of the Ngada festival is spent in collection of banana leaves from forest.

  • Third day of the Ngada festival is marked by visit of relative’s graves by womenfolk. Women place rice-beer wrapped in banana leaves on the graves.
  • All male members visit their relative’s graves on the fourth day, all moves together at their respective khel morungs known as "Rensi" in the early morning, with their own rice-beer and meat and have their food there while at mid day all male members roam in the village in their ceremonial and warrior finerie followed by women with rice-beer in their mugs to offer them drinks.

  • The fifth day is witnessed by the lively procession of all males of the village accompanied with loud voice of songs and folk dances. They visit all houses in the village, and receive something as a token of appreciation.
  • Sixth day is marked by the custom of visiting all houses and greeting each other irrespective of their tribe and feast together and enjoy the festivity.

  • Seventh day is marked by the preparations for the grand feast and collection of firewood, banana leaves and vegetables from the forest.

  • Eight day holds the major celebrations of the festival which includes grand feast and few rituals for the better future. The whole village feast on the food collected during the fifth day procession. People hold strong belief that souls of the departed ones move to the other world and leave village after the grand treat.

The other significance of the last day of the festival is practice of the three special rituals for the betterment of village and families of the tribe.
  • The first rite is the peace concurrence with fire with the aim to avoid fire accident in the village.

  • The second is ritual of agreement with the rats, for preventing crops or household goods from rats.

  • The third rite is performed to drive out evil spirits from all houses and the entire village.

This concludes the celebrations of the eight day long Nagda Festival of the Rengma Nagas in Nagaland

 Ok friends. See u Tomorrow

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